Gwenn Van Laer

“Ik ben Gwenn, architect, praktijkassistent opleiding Architectuur aan de Universiteit Antwerpen en medeoprichter van OntwerpAtelier Chambrang te Borgerhout. Binnen onze praktijk bewandelen we de weg van de bricoleur, als een verzamelaar van ruimtelijke omstandigheden, iemand die schept door middel van de herinterpretatie, herschikking en herpositionering van het bestaande, gebaseerd op plezier en verwondering.”


  1. Boek: Annemarie Mol - Eating in Theory

De overtuigingskracht van dit boek spreekt voor zichzelf :

“I do not remember whether this painful part of the exchange got through to me as a first year student. But the academic side of the debate certainly caught my imagination. It struck me rather than making arguments in given terms (as Chomsky did), philosophers could apparently also doubt terms (as Foucault did). They could put certain words between brackets, abstain from using them, and instead put them in their historical and social contexts. They could willfully ignore what otherwise seemed self-evident and suspend conclusions – even in the face of political urgency. Stop. Take a step back. For new things to happen, we might need to dream up new words.”

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Tilde De Vylder


Sarah Poot